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Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening services offered in Enumclaw, WA

Teeth Whitening services offered in the greater Enumclaw, WA area

Teeth whitening safely eliminates stains caused by drinking coffee, using tobacco, and the natural aging process. At Cole Street Dental in Enumclaw, Washington, experienced general, family, and cosmetic dentists Sean Monaghan, DMD, Gina Petrarca, DDS, and the team offer several types of teeth whitening treatment to teens and adults, including in-office, tray, and paint-on teeth whitening. Call Cole Street Dental today to schedule a Botox appointment, or book your visit online.

Teeth Whitening Q & A

My teeth are stained. Can I benefit from teeth whitening?

Yes. Teeth whitening treatment provides a safe and effective way to eliminate many types of tooth discoloration. It uses medical-grade solutions, like hydrogen peroxide gel, to oxidize discolored molecules deep inside your tooth enamel. The oxidation process lightens those molecules, making your teeth appear whiter and brighter. 

Why do teeth change color?

Most people experience at least some tooth discoloration as a result of aging. The older you get, the more your enamel wears down, revealing the yellow dentin beneath.

Various lifestyle factors might also increase your risk, including:

  • Using tobacco
  • Drinking beverages like red wine, coffee, and soda
  • Eating foods like berries or tomato-based sauces
  • Taking medication with tetracycline
  • Trauma

Poor oral hygiene causes discoloration. It’s important to brush your teeth twice daily and floss regularly.

What are the types of teeth whitening?

Cole Street Dental offers several types of teeth whitening treatment, including:

In-office teeth whitening
In-office teeth whitening makes your teeth up to eight shades lighter* in 90 minutes or less. During treatment, your dentist applies a whitening gel to your teeth and activates it with a special light. The gel reacts to the light, removing stains from your teeth.

Take-home teeth whitening trays
Take-home teeth whitening trays allow you to brighten your smile at home. The trays fit snugly over your upper or lower dental arch. You line them with whitening gel and wear them several hours a day, whenever it’s most convenient.

Paint-on teeth whitening
Paint-on teeth whitening is a more affordable solution to in-office teeth whitening or take-home whitening trays. Paint-on whitening gel comes in a bottle with a small brush, similar to nail polish. You use the small brush to apply the gel to your teeth.

Teeth whitening strips
Whitening strips are made of thin and flexible plastic with hydrogen peroxide gel on one side. You apply the strips to the surfaces of your upper or lower teeth and wear them for 30 minutes, twice a day. Over time, the hydrogen peroxide gel eliminates stains and discoloration.

Whitening toothpaste and mouthwash
Whitening toothpaste and mouthwash can help you maintain the results of other whitening treatments. The Cole Street Dental team can recommend products that meet your needs. 

After an oral exam and a discussion of your goals, your dentist can make personalized teeth whitening recommendations.

Call Cole Street Dental today to schedule a teeth whitening consultation, or book your appointment online.