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Composite Bonding

Composite Bonding services offered in Enumclaw, WA

Composite Bonding services offered in the greater Enumclaw, WA area

Composite bonding uses tooth-colored resin to restore or improve your tooth’s shape. Sean Monaghan, DMD, Gina Petrarca, DDS, and the team at Cole Street Dental in Enumclaw, Washington, specialize in custom composite bonding to cover discoloration, breakage, and irregular tooth shapes. Call Cole Street Dental or book a cosmetic dentistry consultation online today.

Composite Bonding Q & A

How does composite bonding work?

Composite bonding is a cosmetic enhancement procedure used to fix visible breakage or change the shapes or sizes of your teeth. Many people use composite bonding as an alternative treatment to veneers because the procedure doesn’t sacrifice as much of your natural tooth enamel. 

During a cosmetic bonding procedure, your dentist applies a color-matched putty called composite resin material to your tooth. Then, they shape it to look like part of your tooth. They apply a curing light to the resin to harden it into a tooth-like consistency.  

Composite bonding is safe, minimally invasive, and offers natural-looking results that last for years. 

When should I consider composite bonding?

There are many common smile irregularities that might drive you to consider composite bonding as a cosmetic treatment solution. Color-matched composite material can: 

  • Cover stains and discoloration
  • Fill in chips or cracks
  • Widen a tooth to fill a gap
  • Lengthen short or broken teeth
  • Reshape irregular teeth
  • Hide eroded areas of your teeth

You can use composite bonding to make your teeth look more uniform without making any permanent alterations, like removing enamel or entire teeth. 

What should I expect during composite bonding?

The Cole Street Dental team invites you in for a composite bonding planning consultation so they can examine your teeth and review your goals. They take dental X-rays during this visit to look for gum disease, tooth decay, or any other complications that require treatment before you proceed. 

Then, the team uses a shade guide to select the color of composite resin to use for your treatment. They score the surface of your tooth to make it rough so the resin sticks to your tooth when they apply it. Then, they mold the resin to the perfect shape before curing it with the light. 

Once the resin is hard, the team polishes the tooth and makes some final adjustments to be sure your results look flawless. You can expect the entire procedure to take 30-60 minutes. 

Schedule your consultation over the phone or online at Cole Street Dental to reach your cosmetic goals with composite bonding today.