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Same-day and/emergency dentistry

Same-day and/emergency dentistry services offered in Enumclaw, WA

Same-day and/emergency dentistry services offered in the greater Enumclaw, WA area

Emergency dentistry provides same-day care for issues that require prompt attention, including toothaches, broken teeth, and damaged dental restorations. At Cole Street Dental in Enumclaw, Washington, experienced general, family, and cosmetic dentists Sean Monaghan, DMD, Gina Petrarca, DDS, and the team offer same-day emergency dentistry to people of all ages. No matter your needs, the providers are committed to helping you find relief. Call Cole Street Dental today to schedule emergency dentistry, walk into the office, or book your visit online.

Same-day and/emergency dentistry Q & A

What should I do if I need emergency dentistry?

If you or a loved one are experiencing a dental emergency, stop what you’re doing and call Cole Street Dental for further instruction. The team has an emergency phone number and offers flexible scheduling to accommodate busy professionals and families. 

If the issue occurs outside of normal business hours, visit your nearest urgent care center or emergency room.

What conditions does emergency dentistry treat?

The Cole Street Dental team uses emergency dentistry to treat various oral conditions, including:

  • Dental abscesses (swelling in the face or jaw)
  • Severe soft tissue injury 
  • Severe toothache
  • Badly cracked tooth
  • Knocked out tooth
  • Dislodged or loose tooth

You might benefit from emergency dentistry if you bite down on an ice cube or another hard object and break a crown or filling.

I’m not sure if I’m having a dental emergency. How can I tell?

Some oral issues don’t require immediate attention. For example, if you have a mild toothache, it might improve with over-the-counter pain medication and rest. Likewise, if you get something lodged between your teeth, you can use dental floss or a toothpick to remove it.

Still unsure? Call the Cole Street Dental team and explain your situation. The staff can make personalized recommendations that align with your needs.

What happens during emergency dentistry?

Your Cole Street Dental provider reviews your dental records and asks about your symptoms. Then, they complete an oral exam and order digital X-rays to look for issues invisible to the eye. After making a diagnosis, your dentist makes personalized treatment recommendations. 

If you have inflamed tooth pulp caused by trauma or a severe cavity, your dentist might suggest root canal therapy. Conversely, if you have a broken dental crown, your dentist removes the damaged pieces, takes digital impressions of your tooth with an intraoral scanner, and has a dental laboratory create a new custom crown.

Can dental emergencies be prevented?

Dental emergencies can’t always be prevented, but you can reduce your risk by taking good care of your teeth. The Cole Street Dental team recommends brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing regularly, and visiting the office twice a year for oral exams and preventive cleanings.

Call Cole Street Dental today to schedule emergency dentistry, or book your appointment online.